Richard's recipe for OSPF on gated

This recipe is simple. In this example, all the OSPF routers are on a single "backbone" network, 192.168.0.x

The OSPF key is "dumbsecret".

The primary interface is We could use the interface name (like ed0, eth0, lan0, le0, etc.), but we run into trouble if there are alias addresses on the interface. This is common when you have virtual domain services on the machine.

The routerid is the address you want to use to identify this router when it communicates with other OSPF routers. If you do not specify one, gated will pick the address of one of your interfaces - probably not the address you would have picked...

The priority is set to one here. When OSPF routers connect, they negotiate a "DR" (designated router) and "BDR" (backup designated router). The ones with the highest priority win. I suggest using the same number for all routers.
interfaces {
} ;
rip no;
hello no;
ospf yes {
	backbone {
		authtype simple ;
		interface {
			priority 1 ;
			authkey "dumbsecret";
		} ;
	} ;
} ;

Note the semicolon after everything, including the end braces.
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