Richard's recipe for OSPF on Cisco

This recipe is simple. In this example, all the OSPF routers are on a single "backbone" network, 192.168.0.x
The OSPF key is "dumbsecret".
The first redistribute statement causes your router to announce the networks directly connected to the router's other interfaces. The subnets modifier says that you want to announce all networks, not just the ones exactly class A, B, or C size.

The second redistribute tells your router to announce any static routes that you have configured. And as before, subnets means that you don't want your subnets to quietly disappear.

The network statement is for the network your router will use for speaking OSPF. Note that this is unlike RIP, which needs one for each network to announce.
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More info here: Quagga project (continuation of the old Zebra project)